Hard- and Software
for tree inspection


Responible for the contents of arbosafe.com in accordance with §5 TMG (German Telemedia Act) is:

Hard- und Software für Baumsicherheit GmbH

General Manager: Andreas Detter, Erk Brudi, Frank Bischoff

Berengariastr. 9
82131 Gauting
Tel.: 49-(0)89-752150
Fax: 49-(0)89-7591217

Write us an E-Mail

Limited liability company
Registry Court: County Court Munich
Registry Number: HRB 176856
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 Sales Tax Act:
DE 263 733 531

General Information

All information was compiled with great care.
However, any liability or warranty for the correctness of the contents is excluded.
The disclaimer is particularly valid for all other websites referred to via hyperlinks.
Herewith, the operators expressly dissociate themselves on this website from the entire contents of all linked sites and do not identify with these contents. (Compare Local Court Hamburg, File number 312 O 85/98).
We do not assume any liability for the contents of any websites referred to by such a link. As the technical possibilities of the internet allow an intentional or accidental modification of the content of this website by third parties, we do not assume any liability for this either.
The content of this website is protected by copyright. Please, understand that without prior written permission neither texts, nor passages of texts, illustrations or parts of illustrations may be used for other purposes.

Technical Note

arbosafe.com uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript on this site and has checked its function for configurations used by 98% of the users. The content of the arbosafe.com site is accessible with any browser, though we recommend Mozilla Firefox as standard browser on behalf of the users who intend to optimize their web experience.

German law shall exclusively apply for all disputed legal issues with regard to this website.

This translation is provided for convenience only; in case of doubt, the german version of this text shall always serve as the legal basis: Impressum